New Release
In 1998 Parthenon Huxley, widowed and unemployed, successfully auditions to be the guitarist/singer for Electric Light Orchestra Part II, led by ELO’s Bev Bevan. After years of ups and downs in the tough-luck music business, Huxley’s life trajectory changes for the better—lavish tours, world-class bandmates, fan adulation—until events threaten to pull it all apart.
Driven by a fluid, enthused writing style, Electric Light Odyssey (Highpoint Lit; 444 pages; 6" x 9"; 979-8-9908488-1-8) is packed with captivating and often hilarious anecdotes about the rock ‘n’ roll life—from sharing an invisible joint with Paul McCartney and being serenaded at his wedding by Stephen Stills, to singing harmony with Brian Wilson, performing with Linda Ronstadt, and much more.
A must-read for music lovers, aspiring artists, and fans of triumph-over-adversity stories, Electric Light Odyssey chronicles Huxley’s life journey as he grows from budding songwriter to rock n’ roll veteran with the scars and rewards to show for it. Huxley fearlessly leads the reader on a tour of his thrilling wins, humbling failures, and heart-stopping personal drama.
Parthenon Huxley is lead guitarist, singer, and songwriter for The Orchestra Starring ELO Former Members. He wrote his first song at age ten in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean and has chased his muse ever since as an indie artist, staff songwriter for MCA Music Publishing, recording artist for Columbia and Universal Records, producer of film and TV music, and other roles. Four of his nine studio albums have earned Album of the Year awards. Huxley holds a B.A. in Journalism from UNC Chapel Hill and honed his skills writing rock criticism for Spectator Magazine in the 1980s. He lives in Chevy Chase, Maryland.

Publication Date: November 12, 2024
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Publication Date: July 2, 2024
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